Democratic Party 2022: Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind

Our final offering of the year is another special episode this time on the prospects for the Democratic Party in 2022. A stellar panel of journalists and Democratic strategists–Stephanie Cutter, Joe Lockhart, and Josh Marshall–join Harry for a sober look at the party’s uphill battle to avoid losing one or more Houses of Congress in the midterms. The stakes are huge, given the Republicans’ apparent surrender to Trump control and the threat to constitutional norms a Republican victory presents.

Harry speaks with Stephanie Cutter, Joe Lockhart, and Josh Marshall.

Republican Party 2022: Party Over?

In the first of our 2 end-of-year special episodes, we look at the 2022 landscape for the Republican Party. A terrific trio of Republican party stalwarts & former officials–Bill Kristol, Michael Steele, & Governor Christie Todd Whitman–give a candid analysis of the grave threat to the Party & the Republic of the ascendant Trump wing of the party. They consider what a principled Republican should do today and the possible path back to normalcy for a Party that is now captured by aberrant forces.

Harry speaks with Bill Kristol, Michael Steele, & Governor Christie Todd Whitman.

A Very Variant Christmas

3 of the country’s most prominent journalists—David Frum, Jon Lemire, and Carol Leonnig—join Harry to break down a banner, and mainly glum, news week. They begin with the dramatic developments from the Jan. 6 committee, including the contempt referral for Mark Meadows. They then take up the medical and psychological challenges of the Omicron variant. Finally, they analyze the dimming prospects in Congress for the Administration’s Build Back Better package and major voting rights legislation.

Harry speaks with David Frum, Jon Lemire, and Carol Leonnig.